Friday, April 13, 2012

Ante Up Minnesota Meetup May 27

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I'd really like to meet the owners of Ante Up Magazine and let them know in person how much I enjoy their podcast and magazine."  Well now Minnesotans have a chance.

Ante Up Magazine  Co-Publisher Scott Long will be in Minnesota at the end of May.  The meet up will be held on Sunday, May 27 2012.
The plan is to first meet at the St. Paul Saints game which starts at  3:05 PM.  Let me know if you are going and I'll see what I can do about reserving a block of tickets. (I don't know how that works so no promises yet.)

We will then go Canterbury Park to socialize over a friendly game of poker.  If we can get enough people, we may even be able to get them to open of our own table.

Let know if you plan on attending.  Send me an email at john.somsky (at)

This meetup should be a fun event!

Check out more information on the Ante Up Forums:

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