Thursday, December 29, 2011

Is $3,000 in 3 months realistic?

$3,000 is the arbitrary goal I set for myself to win in the first 3 months of 2012.  (Mainly because "Three Months Three Thousand" sounds cool.)  Depending upon your point of view $3,000 may or may not sound like a lot of money.  But here are some factors to consider:

  • 6-8 sessions per month -  I'd like to play more, but I only have so much time.  I work full time and work as an Ambassador for Ante Up Magazine so I think 6-8 sessions is all I can expect.  That's probably double what I average, although I occasionally will play that often.
  • $2-60 SLHE - I mainly play $2-60 spread limit hold'em.  This has a max buy-in of $200 and plays similar to $1-2 NLHE.
  • Tournaments - The variance in tournaments is really too high and my volume to low to be realistic for a challenge like this.  However I'm really trying to play more live tournaments since that is mainly what is covered in magazines. So I'll be playing some tournaments even though it may not be the best strategy.
So let's say I play 8 sessions every month.  That's 24 sessions total which would mean averaging $125 per session.  It's definitely possible to win $125 in a session playing $2-60 SLHE, but it is a very aggressive goal to average that.  I may have to try to play additional sessions.  Of course this will only be worthwhile if I can keep my level of play up.

So I may need a little "run good" but I think the goal is achievable, but by no means easy.  I'm looking forward to starting.


Deckhole said...

Wow. I agree, it seems awfully aggressive at those stakes. But I'll be cheering for you! I had the ZEBRE (ZEro-Bank-Roll-Experiment) where I took $6.85 and tried to turn it into $10,000 in a year. I got to $6,800 and then managed go off-the-rails and sucked it back down to $2k in a matter of 3 bad sessions. Took $1k out and lost the rest! I wish you better discipline!


Rant2112 said...

I don't think that a dollar goal is a very good idea in any case because you can't directly control it.

So, I'd say stick with it because it is a cute number but don't worry about it too much while you're playing.

Poker Geek (John Somsky) said...

I agree with you Rant2112. My focus will be on playing well. However I will probably increase my volume a little in an attempt make the goal.

I think it has already helped me focus. I didn't make some fun, although probably not quite profitable plays last night.

I'm hoping this will make me a more consistent player.